The name FCV, Fuel Cell Vehicle, reflects exactly what the car is, a hydrogen fuel cell car, that supposedly will save our live in 2015. Now, Honda has a hydrogen fuel cell car already available to those who are unfortunate enough to live in Southern California called the FCX Clarity. However since the FCV is going to be unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show on the 22 or 23, I thought that the "new" Prius deserves the spot light.
How does it work? Well, its actually pretty simple. Compressed hydrogen is stored in onboard tanks, probably in the rear like the Honda. The hydrogen is then passed thorough a "compact fuel cell stack" that converts the hydrogen to electricity producing the cars only bye product, water. The electricity then powers the electric motor, to zip you to your next environment meeting in hemp tents which could be as much as 300 miles away.
I think that a car like this could change the automobile industry in very good way. Since there are almost now moving parts they are easy to maintain. Furthermore, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, that we know of. They could also solve water shortage problems because theoretically the water that would come out the back would be drinkable, how cool is that! I still think that gas, diesel, and battery electric cars have a lot of potential, specially electric. Gas and diesel however, are limited by how much oil we have left on this planet, but I think that they will never die out until there is no more oil left, because we are alway improving upon what we thought was already perfected. Plus, the FCV might cost more then a efficient four door sedan because hydrogen stations are far and fewer between the electric charging stations.
Until hydrogen is available at every gas station, I will continue driving around my combusting time bomb.